Last month we had a fun time celebrating Jack turning 3 and Kaitlyn 1. Time sure flies! It's hard to believe that a year ago we were knee deep in Thomas cake astonished Jack would be turning 2 and waiting to meet our sweet Kaitlyn. This party was a little busier since it involved two cakes and two celebrations. It was more work but was definitely twice the fun! Everyone pitched in and helped. A special shout out to my cake makin' teammate Sarah. She's a pro! Here is another little helper. He was enjoying making the ladybugs for Kaitlyn's cake out of red's definitely red!

Here's the crew enjoying their food.

Kaitlyn checking out her cake.

Clearly she did more than just check it out. :)

Jack loving his Handy Manny cake and good friends. Thanks for supervising Jenna.

Enjoying their Happy Birthday songs. Yup...we sang it twice.

Jack enjoying one of his gifts.

My sweet sis.

Some pretty amazing ladies. Note the cute Birthday shirt passed on from her opera singing cousin Sydney.

Some lovely behind the scenes helpers making some hammer sandwiches.

We also had fun decorating some gingerbread houses this year. We're hoping it becomes a new tradition. I didn't get many pictures of the kids working on them, but here are Jack and Kaitlyn showing their work off.

Yup- it was a good day!