Saturday, October 24, 2009

Just a cute story....
I couple of days ago, I was headed to worship practice to meet Mike and was dropping Jack off at my mom's. He's been a lot more interested in singing lately so I was singing the oldie..."God is so Good." He mainly listened and sang a couple of "good's" with me. After the song he said, "Love God. Love God. Helps Me. Perfect. Church. Tunnel." So I think we may have lost him at "tunnel," but it was so sweet to hear. Just made me excited for when he gets to understand more and more about how much God loves Him!

And onto a random is my messy boy enjoying a new favorite of banana and peanut butter. He's a pretty happy kid.


butters said...

I love that sweet story Beck... such a darling boy you have. It warms my heart and I think we adults can be reminded of that same message of God's abundant love. Maybe Jack and Ikey we'll be our charismatic preacher boys.(: Love you guys.

Nina said...

No sweeter words to hear Jack say ! This sunday morning since all of you were involved in worship team I got to take Jack to his sunday school class. There is a space under the counter that as soon as we got there he began to run toward it saying " the tunnel".
The mystery has been solved(: No doubt that church is place he loves.

Brazenlilly said...

Aw, I love it! Sing it, Jack! It's SO fun when they start talking and singing and learning. I can't wait to hear more of Jack's original tunes. :)