Monday, November 07, 2005


…such a simple little word that gets just a little airtime in the WORD. But even so, when it is used, it’s accompanied by a simply strong meaning. And I think it’s something I could strive to be a little more often. I imagine most people consider “meek” to mean submissive and weak. Half right. Submissive, yes. Weak, no.

Moses is called "meek" in Numbers 12:3. I immediately think of his initial unwillingness to go into God’s service and step up to Pharaoh. He was having a hard time mentally ditching his inadequacies and imagining what God could do through him. I think Moses became truly meek when he accepted his own weakness and became confident in God’s power. He was still a humble man…knowing that all the miraculous things surrounding him were not of himself. Then the rock/water/staff thing happened. And God rebuked him. He sidestepped the “power of God” issue and started allowing the great works to go to his head.

My problem applying “meek” is actually the opposite – its really an unwillingness to ditch pride. I have this thing about being right. Sometimes I get so caught up in having the right stance (on any issue) that even if I’m wrong, I can’t see it. And even if I’m right, why do I have to defend my position like it’s the Alamo? I (my flesh) can’t handle it when I make a statement and someone tries to correct me…I usually end up making a fool of myself trying to raise awareness of my “rightness.” Most of the time, when the air clears, the issue has been completely lost, and I’ve made a big fuss about myself…and my pride.

Moses didn’t get offended when Pharaoh said he (Moses) and his God were powerless. He patiently waited for God to bring judgment. I’m not saying that God is going to send plagues to prove my points…just that if I approach every issue a little more meekly, I’ll either be right and have been gracious about it, or I’ll be wrong and won’t have to eat my foot. Either one sounds good to me.

I guarantee it takes a lot more strength and courage to be meek than it does to go with whatever comes into my head. Submitting my own will/pride never comes easy…but I bet if I let it, “meek” will start taking over.



eets said...

One thing I think a lot of people miss on the word "submit" in the Bible (a prof at Fox used to talk about this)...

If you look at the Greek word used for submit (phonetically spelled) it is "Hoopitahso" which is used for "wives submit to your husbands" and "submit yourselves one to another".

The word is similar to a picture of an olympic athlete holding up a mighty weight. The idea is it is the strong who submit and through their strength, they hold others up. Totally changed the way I thought about meekness and submission.

Roy B. said...

Good stuff, Mike. "I might be wrong, but ..." is a mark of the kind of meekness you describe that would make the world a lot more civil in politics, religion, relationships... and more. Be careful, though, if your wife reads this she might be tempted to call you on who knows what just to see if you're up to the challenge you have laid out for yourself. ;=)