Monday, December 03, 2007

10 DAYS and counting...

Hard to believe that Becky and I could be mom and dad at any moment. Just refelcting on a few thoughts while I'm awake enough to have them!

-When I was a little over a year old, my dad started writing letters to me. From my first moments till my 18th birthday, every few months he would express what he was feeling about my life, our relationship, my accomplishments, my failures, his successes, his failures, great family moments, etc. in these letters and then file them all away in a notebook for me. I recently had a chance to read through them again, and I was overcome by their significance throughout the notebook. I think they took new meaning for me now that I'm actually getting ready to be a dad. I would encourage any of you fathers out there to do the same for your kids. I certainly intend to do it for mine. Dad - I know I've told you in person, but thanks again for these letters. They are a very manly way.

-I'm in love with my wife...and I like her too. There are so many famlies in this world that start because the partents made a "mistake" or they are trying to fix a failing marriage by having kids. I'm so blessed to be married to my best friend, and to have the chance to welcome our son into the world together as a team. I know she'll have the hard part of actually bringing him into the world, but I cannot wait to experience the joys and heartaches of parenting with her. I am overjoyed that God chose to unite our hearts in love, in ministry, in frienship, and in the decision to raise children. Baby - I love you! I can't wait to see you holding our son.

-Last week at church, we had a baby-dedication service. Parents who want to commit to raising their children in a God-centered household, came up on stage and made that commitment publicly to the church. I've been a part of these services a member of the congregation and as an uncle. But, once again, now that I'm about to be a dad, it took a new meaning for me. I can't wait till the next one, when Becky and I get to hold up our son, and proudly commit to behaving biblically in our household, and passing on the knowledge of our Savior on to him. Early on in our pregnancy, I read the story of Samuel again. I was impressed more than ever, that even though Samuel had to make a choice for himself whether or not he would serve God, his mother made the decision to dedicate him to the Lord, and made the effort and sacrifice to place him in a position to succeed. That's my goal as a father...among other set up my son for spiritual success.

Okay...this was longer than I expected. Maybe this will by my first letter to...What's-his-name.



AZChelsea said...

I know I don't live near you guys and won't get to see you be parents to your little boy, but I can't wait for you to experience holding your baby for the first time...One of the things Curt tells everyone is that everything in life, from little to big, takes on a whole new meaning when you become a dad...your perspective changes that's for sure. You notice things you never would've given a second thought. That is so special that your dad wrote you letters...I would encourage the moms to do that too! I'm thinking of doing that! Some of my most treasured, tangible things are letters and cards my parents wrote to me over the years. I can't wait to see how your blog changes after the baby comes!! Keep us in the loop!

Steph said...

You and Beck are somethin' special, that's for sure. :) What's his name is one lucky little boy and we cannot wait to meet him.

Brazenlilly said...

Those letters ARE precious. :) I remember talking about them as Trent and I walked around the parking lot of our apartment when I was in labor, trying to pass the time. You are going to be such a wonderful father! Can't wait to meet the little man.

Glory Laine said...

Wow, let me wipe the tears so I can type better.....need to get up and get a tissue, too many for my hand to take care of......Ok I'm back. Mike what I love that you took time to write down some of your thoughts during your "man-nesting" time. The process of becoming parents is so emotional and I am so thankful that God gave us nine months to prepare. Children are our greatest teachers. Not only will you and Becky be so exhausted from the lack of sleep but you will also feel emotionally drained. It's a challenge because good parents know that we don't get a trial run with this parenting thang....(some might call your first born the practice baby, but I think that's frowned upon.) You also learn to love and understand your parents more and you'll find yourself pickin up the phone more to say thanks. Mostly you become so aware of your relationship with God. His love for us.... His perfect teachable parenting skills.
Matt and I made a promise to one another when we became parents to work even harder on our relationship. To make alone time a priority and to encourage one another during this new transition.
Anyway I am praying for the most amazing blessings for you two. It's wonderful to watch you become parents and I can't wait to read all about it. Now go rub Becky's feet!

Anonymous said...

I keep checking your blog more regularly now, to check for news of that little one! what a wonderful post, Mike. It is so amazing to become parents, and such an incredible blessing to do it as equal partners in love and best friends. We are excited to meet him when we get over to Oregon!!


Roy B. said...

Well. You just made MY day. Best Christmas present ever. Dad

Maureen said...

What a beautiful post. Can't wait to see pictures of little what's his name!

Michelle & Luke said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! You guys are so awesome. God has blessed you two, but what a blessing to HIM you must be!!!