Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Man...I like golf. I went to the range last night and hit that borrowed club. It will be difficult to give it back. the midst of long and straight drives, my left big toe started feeling tingly. At first I thought maybe I tied my laces too tight and I was cutting off the circulation to el dedo grande. So I kept swinging. Then...BAM...I hit an especially powerful drive and it felt like someone stabbed the tendon on the top of my big toe.

The heck?? I thought maybe it was just a fluke, so I swung a few more. The...BAM...there it was again. A little disconcerted, I left the range and headed back to the car. As I was stepping up into the driver's seat...BAM! Again with the severe pain! I'm a little worried. I took off my shoe to see if I was bleeding. No blood. So I drove home hoping it would be fine by the time I got there. As I stepped out of the car...yep, there it was. Limping in the door I whined to my wife about my semi-severed toe, and proceeded to ice it and watch disc 2 of Scrubs - Season One with Becky.

I thought I'd be going to the doctor this morning, but it seems to be feeling better (though I am walking kinda funny to protect it). Hopefully it will all go away like a bad dream.



Jim said...

My hypothesis...It's a psychosomatic reaction. Your tiny feet are intimidated by the Sasquatch (aka Bigfoot) club. Your foot is simply trying to grow.

Wouldn't it be awesome if only your big toe grew and it was 5 inches longer than all of the rest of your toes?

eets said...

Let's cut off Mike's big toe, grow a gigantic clone in a jar and have it be one of those things that sort of pulsates on it's own, then when it gets to be about 10 pounds, sew it back on.

Peaby said...

You guys are wierd.

Steph said...

I just wanted to point out that our english language loving friend spelled the word WEIRD wrong. It is what we call an "exception to the rule." =P

You're welcome!